this is a personal religious space for my webpage, ala 90s internet shrines. i have somewhat of a unique religious view, and pull from things like animism, paleolithic imagery, mother goddesses, marianism, and the worship of some "greek" goddesses, though through my eyes they are probably not very similar to their mythological counterparts. these views usually lie pretty dormant in my day to day life, so this will be my space to share poetry and prayers i like, images that speak to me and remind me of my beliefs, and anything else i find interesting to decorate and adorn this page.

i feel a strong connection to animals and have my entire life, especially foxes. as a child i used to pretend to "sleep like a fox" curling myself into a ball and visualizing my legs lengthening and twitching as i relaxed. i carried this habit for a long time, and that visualization still works to relax me when i need it. i admire foxes a lot, both as animals and as folkloric creatures; the animal that works purely for its own goals, helping and harming when it feels like it, unable to be tamed completely or bent to any will without snapping back. i admire its morals completely, and it stands as a symbol of tricksters and jesters everywhere who laugh and sneak and bite when theyre pushed in the wrong direction.

animals are the driving force behind a lot of my religious and spiritual views, and i look to them in my dreams and in symbolism very often. the fox is usually the strongest for me, but i also look to animals like horses, donkeys, cows, pigs, and big cats for their strength and power, to drive myself forward as an equally powerful person! i truly believe that when you can admire and appreciate an animals strength, when youre enough of a furry to admit that you feel a connection to these animals and see them as a reflection of yourself, you really can change as a person into something different and strong.
"I always imagine divine mercy giving us back to ourselves and letting us laugh at what we became, laugh at the preposterous disguises of crouch and squint and limp and lour we all do put on. I enjoy the hope that when we meet I will not be estranged from you by all the oddnesses life has carved into me." - Marilynne Robinson, Gilead

background graphics and music :)